
Dean's Beans - Raising Coffee Bean Prices

Dean's Beans - Raising Coffee Bean Prices

 Hey Coffee Family,It’s time for us to have a real talk about coffee. Dean’s Beans will be increasing their prices soon, and we want to be upfront with you about what’s happening and why. We know you’re seeing prices rise...

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Tierra Farms - Rising Cocoa Prices

From Tierra Farms: Please be aware that over the past two years, the price of cocoa has been rising due to several factors: Supply shortage. The International Cocoa Organization predicts that the global cocoa supply will decrease by nearly 11% in...

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Elderberry Syrup Mix

Elderberry Syrup Mix

It’s getting to the end of the summer and what better time than now to start making some delicious elderberry syrup for the fall.  We’ve got you covered with a ready-made elderberry syrup mix that you can quickly grab, or...

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Great news!

Hello to all our friends and neighbors, who have been so supportive of our little shop. After 5 wonderful years, Liz and Rick have decided to step aside.  We have sold the business to Cynthia Taylor and her husband, Will. ...

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Dark Chocolate and Heavy Metals

Hello everyone!  Yet another concern about the food we eat.  The following information is something that I gleaned from Equal Exchange.  I will try to post more as I find it, but start with this, and hopefully it will help...

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