Featuring Lotus Foods - Healthier Rice for a Healthier Life!
We are happy to be able to bring you Lotus Foods products in bulk - sustainably grown and harvested rices that taste great! You can buy just the amount you need, and our bulk offerings make it easy to try a small amount to see if you like it.
Here is some background from Lotus Foods describing their practices and principles:
"Rice is a modest little grain that is super important. It starts out looking like a blade of grass. Yet, it provides half the world’s population [over 3.5 billion people!] with 60-70% of their daily calories. And rice is the main source of livelihood for over 2 billion people living in low-income countries.
But rice production takes a toll on humans and the environment.
Annually it consumes one-quarter to one-third of our planet’s annual renewable fresh water.
Hundreds of millions of women must do back-breaking, repetitive tasks in unhygienic conditions of standing water.
Flooded rice fields contribute to global warming by emitting methane gas, which is approximately 30X more potent as a heat trapping gas than CO2.
Because of this, Lotus Foods supports More Crop Per Drop – a smart agricultural practice that protects and restores natural resources, improves incomes and quality of life for farmers, especially women, and reduces climate impact. Together we can all 'Do the Rice Thing'."
Shop South Coast Bulk Foods today for Lotus Foods' Forbidden Rice, Volcano Rice, Jade Pearl Green Rice, and Red Rice.